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Fellowship FAQs

What do Organizing Fellows do?

Turnout Nation Ambassadors engage and recruit Voting Captains in their community to increase turnout in an upcoming election in their area. Fellows receive training and support as they  research, plan, and organize. Fellows also complete a voter education capstone project.


How much time does it take to be an Organizing Fellow?

3-10 hours per week.


How long does the program last?

Depending on your location, the program is 3 months or 6 months long.


Do I need to be a student?

No. The program for non-student ambassadors will be a little different but you do not have to be an enrolled student to participate.


Is this opportunity paid?

Yes. We offer a monthly stipend of 300 dollars.


How many weeks is each Turnout Nation Fellowship?

Depending on where you are located, either 12 weeks of a more intensive program or 24 weeks.


I don’t have any organizing or civic engagement education experience, can I still become a fellow?

Yes! Your individual interests and skills can all help you get people in your community involved. Everyone is affected by voting so we want to reach people with a wide-array of interests and life experiences.


I don't live where fellowships are currently offered but I'd like to start a program for an election in my area. Can I still get involved?

If you would like to be an Ambassador for an election coming up in your area, please send a brief proposal to and we'll get back to you! If you have any other questions about the program, just send us an email!


Where do I apply?

Right Here!

Ready to make a difference?

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